Saturday, November 28, 2009

This is the first Fanpost in KBN history..

Now some care, and others don't. Living in the heart of Dixie most of my life I have seen both kinds of people who like sports. I am a HUGE, like Lord Humongous HUGE, fan of Ole Miss Sports. I go to Womens Soccer games, I go to Softball games, I haven't missed a Baseball game in four years. So with that said I am ECSTATIC when our football team is good, and has national recognition for an entire year.

Today is an in state rivalry game, the second rivalry game in a row. Last week the Rebels defeated the Tigers of LSU, LAWL LES MILES YOU MORON. The Rebs travel to Starkville Mississippi, or as its joked around here as being the UDDER college since they're all about animal science and agriculture, to play the Mississippi State Bulldogs.

I didn't go to Starkville since I really hate the place. I hate everything about it. In Oxford there's a convenient central location to go hangout. Starkville has like one good bar, and probably the best bowling alley in Mississippi but that doesn't save your ass Starkville.

Oh yeah there's a place called Mugshots there with a huge burger. It's okay, but I prefer my Ajax burger or Redhouse or Huey's any day of the week.

So the game today is called the Eggbowl, I don't know why or care why it's called that. Last years Eggbowl was AWESOME and Ole Miss prevailed 45-0. It was hilarious and I laughed a lot, at toothless hicks trying to fight after the game.

So here's to Ole Miss Football, and here's to a guy I miss a lot this year on our team:

Mike Wallace holding a card of Mike Wallace.


kaktus316 said...

As a Steelers fan, I'm appreciateing Wallace's skills right now. Guy's gonna be a great player.

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