Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Best of 2009

Everyone else is doing it (well not here anyway only Sonybone bothered) but here is my best of 2009.


I really didn't have much to pick from this year. I was unemployed for a good portion of the year so I didn't really have a chance to play as many new games as I would have liked. So out of the the games I did play (and really I loved the other contenders just as much as this game), Modern Warfare 2 was the best game for me. I love guns and explosions and this game has them in spades. Despite the community constantly trying to ruin everyone's play experience.


This one is actually a tie. It's between two remakes (which is kind of a surprise for me) but both were awesome.

Star Trek: I'm not a Trekkie, at all. For a brief time I was really into Deep Space Nine but that was it. The movie was great. It really shows that you don't have to shit on the source material to remake a franchise for current audiences. Everything that came before it was preserved and it has plenty of potential to grow. The casting was good, the acting was great, the special effects were great, and the story was engaging. It was just a really well rounded movie and it worked on every level.

Friday the 13th: This was the other remake that was great. This was the perfect Jason movie. The effects were completely excellent, it was bloody but not so much that it distracted with the ridiculousness of it. The guy playing Jason was great as well. For someone who doesn't show facial expressions or talk, he conveys a ton of emotion. This was important because Jason is the centerpiece of the movie. I really had no problems with any part of this movie.


This is hard because there was some good TV and there was some bad tv. Jeez was there some bad TV. But there was a clear best for me.

Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars: This was the best thing I've ever seen on Television. The story was good, there is sentient (evil) water on Mars and it wants to get on Earth because it is a planet filled with water that it can infect. The Doctor (David Tennant who sadly leaves Doctor Who tomorrow) knows that everyone involved is going to die and that he can't change it. He faces this fact as well as his own curiosity about what happened to these people on Mars (who are famous). The ending was AMAZING, especially for someone who has been following the show since it restarted in 2005.


I didn't get any new music this year. Although I intended to get Kottonmouth Kings' "Green Album" and 311's "Uplifter" I just didn't get around to it.


I've been working on a backlog of books so I didn't get anything that came out in 2009. I don't really read that much anymore so I probably will never be current.


Everything new that I read from the big companies was completely awful. I'm sure Dark Horse and Image put out some quality books but I've pretty much given up on today's comics so I wouldn't know. I did start buying Image comics from the startup (mostly the Wildstorm and Extreme Studios portions) and a few others (L.E.G.I.O.N. and X-Men 2099).


SonnyBone said...

Um... games?

And Uplifter kind of sucked a little.
I mean, there are 3 good songs on there, but the rest is just kind of OK, in my opinion.


But my favorite 311 albums are Transistor and Soundsystem, so what do I know?

JoeyFNK said...

Those are my favorite as well.....

I don't know why my games section didn't show up, now I have to edit it and make your post look silly.

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