Sunday, December 6, 2009


Since Troma posted about a depressing movie, I'll post about a movie that had the opposite effect on me.


The movie about an overweight black girl having her 2nd child, and reading at a 1st graders level. A girl writing at the phonetic stage of writing. Oh and she's only 15 or 16.

I won't spoil, cause that's how I roll, so it's hard to tell a lot. I will tell you how I felt watching this movie.


That's the only word that comes to mind. I actually shed some tears, because I was so fucking pissed off watching this movie. It's not because of how the story was, not in the sense that GOD THIS MOVIE SUCKS! It was the way that the actors genuinely made me hate them. I felt terrible for this girl. Had Monique, who played Precious' mother, been standing outside the theater I saw this in. I would have beat the life out of her.

The acting is AMAZING in this movie, and if you haven't seen it. Please do so for the acting alone.


SonnyBone said...

This is a rad post.

I want to watch this movie now.

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