Monday, December 28, 2009

My Favorite Stuff From 2009

by SonnyBone

Yo, suckaz. I see lots of talk about GAME OF THE YEAR and ALBUM OF THE YEAR and bla and bla. So... seeing as how I've played a ton of games and listened to a ton of music, I guess I should tell everyone what I enjoyed the most as if they give a crap.


The following are my top 10 games that were actually released in 2009 that I happened to particularly enjoy:

1) Punchout! (Wii)
2) Madworld (Wii)
3) Skate 2 (PS3)
4) Little King's Story (Wii)
5) Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
6) F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (PS3)
7) New Super Mario Brothers (Wii)
8) Fat Princess (PS3)
9) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)
10) Brutal Legend (PS3)


Trash Panic (PS3)
A Boy And His Blob (Wii)

So I guess my vote for GAME OF THE YEAR 2009 goes to PUNCHOUT! I really don't need to explain why. It's the single greatest 'rebirth' of a classic game.

Madworld comes in at a VERY close second place. I had more fun with this game than almost anything else I can remember. Madworld is what No More Heroes TRIED to be: Fun from beginning to end with loads of style and humor.

Skate 2 was a phenomenal game from top to bottom, and Skate 3 will be one of the best games of 2010.

Little King's Story did NOT disappoint in what can only be described as: PIKMIN MEETS HARVEST MOON.

And fifth place goes to Wii Sports Resort, which totally floored me in ways I didn't expect. It was JUST AS FUN as the original Wii Sports, if not more.


There are several other games that I played the hell out of this year... but they didn't actually release in 2009. Here's my top 3 games of the year that didn't actually come out this year.

1) Fallout 3 (PS3)

The release of DLC content on the PS3 platform extended the life of this game into 2010. That's amazing.

2) Saints Row 2 (PS3)

This is so much better than GTAIV that I can't even comprehend it. I am so incredibly excited for part 3.

3) Order Up! (Wii)

I got this game in mid 2008, and I STILL play it. It's easily one of the best Wii games to date.



Oh boy...
Overall, 2009 was a letdown for me in the world of music. Many of the albums I was looking forward to did NOT impress me at all. I was surprised, however, by two released that blew me away. In the end, I only have 2 top albums of the year because they stand head and shoulders above everything else I listened to.

1) "Act II: The Father Of Death" - The Protomen

This album contains more emotion than anything I've heard on the radio in the past decade... COMBINED. It's basically a rock opera about the origins of Doctor Light and Doctor Wily (from the Mega Man universe), and it's the best thing I've heard in YEARS. EASILY the album of the year, IMO.

2) "The Pariah, the Parrot, the Delusion" - Dredg

This is the greatest release from Dredg, and that's really saying something. They simply get better with age, and that's not always true in the world of music. This album moves me both lyrically and musically, which is all I really ask for in a band.


So that's it. I'm not gonna link to anything or post any pictures or videos. If you give a shit, then you'll research this stuff yourself. If not, then why the hell did you read it?

See you suckaz in 2010!



unimportantguy said...

No mention of Dream Theater's fantastic return to form after two disappointing albums makes me sad. :(

SonnyBone said...

Black Clouds And Silver Linings may be the worst Dream Theater release thus far, IMO. I didn't even fucking buy it. I listened to it 4 or 5 times and basically hated it save for 2 or 3 'moments' in the first and final tracks.

Like I said, 2009 was a musical letdown for me.


unimportantguy said...

Eh, I won't get into it, but it's safe to say I emphatically disagree. While the two tracks you mentioned are probably the best parts of the album (and I'm willing to bet if I sat and listened to it a couple more times I could find the parts you identified), I thought that it was much better than Systematic Chaos, which I found to be uninspired tripe with little to no rooting in real emotion.

SonnyBone said...

When it comes to DT fans, I seem to disagree with just about all of them, as my favorite DT album is one that most fans describe as: "Their most bland and boring release".

Whateva. They've made tons of great music, and that's all that matters. I'm glad you like the new album, actually. My friend landed the limited edition Liquid Tension Blu Ray concert dvd, and I'm jealous.

unimportantguy said...

Let me guess: Falling into Infinity? I haven't listened to that one, but it sure does get a lot of flack.

SonnyBone said...


That album is fucking brilliant from beginning to end. The combo of Hell's Kitchen and Lines In The Sand back to back gives me chills every time. Every song on that album is stellar, but I guess most DT fans don't enjoy it because it has a more 'traditional' focus and less noodling. Their ability to write SONGS rather than IMPROV SESSIONS really shines through on that album, IMO.

unimportantguy said...

You had to use the word "noodling." Now I have a mental image of the members of Dream Theater trying to catch catfish with their bare hands.

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