Saturday, October 24, 2009

A good question to ask candidates...

I'm not sure where the rest of you fall on this, but since New York City happens to be where the UN is situated, we get a FREQUENT influx of foreign dignitaries, diplomats, high muckamucks, panjandrums, etc.

And with that frequent influx, we get our newspapers (PRINT! In 2009!) investigating and revealing at least once or twice every few months or so that they owe MASSIVE fines and back taxes to the city. Of course, since none of it's been paid off, it just makes sense to ask our mayoral candidates the following 2-part question:

"With so many revelations of foreign diplos racking up such massive debt to the city, why hasn't anything been done to collect, and what do you plan on doing to collect if elected mayor?"

Given that much of our public services end up severely underfunded, collecting those back taxes and fines would go a long way in making sure the budget doesn't job out to useless kowtowing.

How much does this occur in your cities?


Flying Guillotine said...

Not really in California, everyone's being raped by taxes equally here.

JoeyFNK said...

I'm in Central New York, and while we don't have the SAME problem, we have a problem of WHERE the taxes they do collect goes. As in, there are at times vast amounts of money given to "projects" that seem to disappear.

SonnyBone said...

I don't even think we have government in Georgia. I'm pretty sure it's just pile of hay.

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