Monday, October 12, 2009

SAW the Videogame

Where did this come from? It always seemed like vaporware or something that was never going to come out, but last Tuesday I see it in K-Mart with no hype, reviews, or anything out at the time. I considering buying it just for the hell of it, but Afrika is coming out this week so forget that. Instead I hit up the local Movie Gallery with a free rental Saturday only to find the one PS3 copy rented out and the two 360 copies out. So fuck, I needed to use the free rental before it expired so I rented this shitty game called Operation Flashlight Dragon Rising. It fucking sucks and is hard as shit. I am stuck five minutes into that game and it ruined my Saturday.

Flash forward to today..after getting a salad at Wendy's with rotten lettuce in it (fuck Wendys), I check the Movie Gallery and they have the one PS3 copy of SAW on the shelf. So I grabbed that bitch and then the older woman at the counter had a hell of a time breaking a twenty and giving me change.

So 8 bucks and some odd cents later I've been playing the SAW game all afternoon. Let me break it down a bit to make this an actual review:

Graphics - They look decent. It really nails the atmosphere of the movies.

Controls - Kind of like Silent Hill 4 I guess? I vaguely remember playing that game for a couple of minutes. I'm not a big survival horror guy so I can't really say what it plays like, but it controls okay. The combat is shitty though but if you are a cunning bastard you can kill your enemies with traps and shit.

Gameplay - Puzzle solving and some combat every once in awhile. I guess it resembles a Silent Hill game...hell, the game is by Konami so it might as well be Silent Hill: SAW

Overall - After 5 hours I'm still finding it fun. If you like survival horror or the SAW movies(my stance here. survival horror isn't normally my thing.) it's definitely worth a rental. For $60 it doesn't seem like a whole lot of replay value from this one. Rent it or wait for a price drop.


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