Wednesday, October 14, 2009


by SonnyBone

So I'm in the computer lab today... and I see a guy with an amazing pile of brillo pads on his head. THAT WRAPPED DOWN AROUND HIS CHIN AND ONTO HIS NECK.

Then he turned around AND HAD A BRILLO MINI MULLET.

Here is an artist's rendition of the HAIR HATTED MANS:

hair hatted mans

I wanted to throw bricks at it to see how many pieces the brick would shatter into.

He could go to war and everyone could just LIVE IN HIS HAIR and they could deflect atomic meteor cluster bombs.

On second thought, his hay-like hair helmet would probably flame up like a fucking tinderbox at even the tiniest inkling of a spark.

I can't feel sorry for the guy because he could always just go and get a fucking haircut. But... you know... maybe they see him coming and shutter the doors and windows? Maybe he's blacklisted from the barbers? WHO FUCKIN KNOWS?

The only thing that's for certain is that this sumbitch gots a hair hat.


SonnyBone said...

This is BigKaboom2, btw.

Flying Guillotine said...

Did the carpet match the drapes?

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