Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome to Kidnapped by Ninjas Productions!

The president has been kidnapped by ninjas...are you a bad enough dude to save him?

Well, I'm a pretty bad dude, thanks for asking. I'd rather make movies though, so that's what you'll see here. I'm a big lucha libre fan so a lot of the stuff you'll see is related to that and the stuff that I put on youtube. I plan on reviewing quite a few things, and I'm going to have amazon links so you can purchase the items that I review-including stuff that no self-respecting lucha libre fan should be without.

Content is coming soon. Working on a review of Lourdes Grobet's Lucha Libre: The Masked Superstars of Mexican Wrestling photobook, which will be up very, very soon.

So until then, live like you're dying.


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