Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TheDenizen reviews Nightmare on Elm Street

Hey what the hell, jzbadblood mentions the movie I just saw tonight. So here's my take on the Freddy remake:

Jackie Earle Haley is pretty good as the creepy-as-fuck pedo Freddy, and there's a couple of cool visual concepts and novel kills...but it's not scary at all, and it's not funny at all....it's just kinda there, and it's boring watching the two protagonists slowly and painfully piecing together Freddy's backstory since pretty much everyone in the theater already knew what the story was. Too many weak jump-scares, not enough Freddy cracking jokes.

It was a decent enough movie I guess, just kinda unnecessary.

And jz also posed the question 'why do we like horror movies'? Well, I can only speak for myself, but it's totally about the blood-lust.


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