Sunday, May 2, 2010

Salute Your Shorts

Well, JZBadblood made the above. You know why?

Salute Your Shorts is on iTunes. We're holding out HOPE for a DVD release, you see.

But yeah, I think I saw every episode of that 1000 times, because, well, they barely had any episodes. Love that shit though, because you know, I never went to camp as a kid, and them showing camp as something you suffer through instead of having fun made me feel a lot better about that, and man, you'd expect all the kids from that to be on more shit as adults today.

The thing that bothered me about the show is that Budnick was into the metal and shit, but whenever he mentioned cool bands he'd always throw Whitesnake in there. Come on, dude, nobody listens to Whitesnake. I guess I could let this go though.

The best episode was ZEKE THE PLUMBER, a great variation of the Cropsy urban legend that went around camps and also brought us the movie THE BURNING. I also learned giraffes have black tongues from Salute Your Shorts, and man they're totally right. Television is educational.

It didn't make sense that Ug was the councilor for both the girls and the boys so he was probably some kind of creepy pervert, or the female councilor was eaten by a bear or murdered by Zeke the Plumber. Either way, Ug probably has some statch charges.


SonnyBone said...

The kids from that show ended up going on to musical careers. Even fucking SPONGE. He came out of the closet and plays piano now.

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