Thursday, June 3, 2010

So, I Made A Movie And Stuff.

Machinery Making Modern Music (in association with a group a couple of my friends made, GIHAGI Studios, and the MV94 News team) made a movie. A freaking movie, dude. Well, a short film...that honestly isn't awesome as I'd hoped, but still. Freaking wewt.

It's called "Espuniage: Aldo Giovanni vs Chuck and Taylor". We were assigned to do a video about some new security measures that the school instituted. Pretty lame pitch, honestly, but nonetheless, we got to work. What came out was a hilariously bad 1940s crime drama mixed with an 80s B cop movie, with 2000s stupidity and sensibilities. It's supposed to be a campy spy vs spy kinda deal, and was mainly inspired by the Homestar Runner cartoon Dangeresque. I wrote, directed, and edited this, with rewrites and other type things coming from my class colleagues. Even though they helped, this was pretty much my baby, and I think the people in my group would probably concur with that. It was also made on a shoestring budget on 3 different cameras, all of which weren't that awesome. If we had filmed the whole thing on one of the cameras, it wouldve been in widescreen but, alas, quality is not our friend. Also, I had to edit part of it in Windows Movie Maker, which honestly makes me gag. Oh well, I have new editing software now, rock.

Here it is...

Let me know what you think. Comments, critiques, etc. are very welcome.

- FishHook


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