Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Random Thoughts about tons of stuff.

I haven't written anything for here in a long time. Not because I was busy because some prick named Mark Isdell broke into my house and stole all my electronics because he doesn't want to go and get an actual job. So that sucked. The worst part was that I had a lot of stuff on the computer that was irreplaceable, mainly the manuscript I was writing, which I've started rewriting again but my heart is isn't in the same place about it.

So here is what I've been thinking about over the past 4 months or so.

Red, The Werewolf Hunter was one of the worst SyFy movies I've ever seen. I've watched a lot of them lately, and it was just awful. I'd put it barely a notch of The Phantom. First of all, can internerds (I just made that up) please stop pretending that Felicia Day is attractive. Because she really isn't. She's also a terrible actress. Which means SyFy had to get her in the title role of a movie about Little Red Riding Hood's descendants fighting Werewolves (sounds awesome). Then the movie hits every cliche you could think of. The werewolves looked a little cool though.

World of Warcraft is my main videogame right now (I play a hunter named Aksana on Korialstrasz if you want to play with someone as cool as me). As much as I like the actual game, I find the community seems to get worse as the new expansion looms in (Cataclysm, and it looks like it will be awesome). I've never seen a group of nerds who despise nerd culture as much as WoW players. Anything new in the game sucks, because things were always better before YOU played. There is an elitist problem where people think that they are the ULTIMATE player of the game. The one who knows all and everyone else is a moron. It doesn't matter how bad they play, it's YOUR fault because they have been playing for 5 years so it couldn't possible be their fault. Other than the D-Bags, the game is a blast, and one hell of a time killer.

Why the hell havent' we gotten a good SOCOM game on next gen consoles yet? I've been playing some SOCOM 3 lately (great game even though it looks like ass nowadays) and I can't believe how bad Confrontation was. There are so many things that SOCOM does right that other developers haven't even bothered to try out. Like intergrated Clan systems. Not just some silly initials before your name, but there is a Clan Menu where you can view members. It really isn't the same thing as a friend's list and several games could benefit from this feature.

Jackass 3D was such a good experience. When people make a movie and they are having fun, it really makes that much of a difference. Also there was a lot less penii (that's the plural of Penis) in this movie than in number 2. Which is a plus for some.

Avengers Cartoon: I think it's subtitled Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but who cares, it's the only Avengers cartoon on Disney XD. This is the best superhero cartoon I've ever seen. It's amazing. If you're a fan of The Avengers you have to watch this cartoon (and get over how stupid the Wasp looks, she had worse costumes in the comics several times).

I can't wait for the Christmas Special for Doctor Who this year. Matt Smith was even better than David Tennant and you're doing yourself a disservice if you haven't watched the last season of Doctor Who.

The Captain America movie pictures from a few weeks ago, made the movie look 100 times better than I originally thought. I like Chris Evans, but I didn't think he was a good choice for Cap. This is why I'm not a casting director, because he looked exactly like Captain America should. Hopefully the movie has a good story because I don't just want a movie that looks cool. Learn the lessons that Iron Man taught comic book movies. People like pretty action movies, but they love pretty action movies with likable characters and a plot that actually plots.

Batman: Under the Red Hood was the best comic book movie I've ever seen. I don't even like Batman that much but this was awesome. DC has been on a roll with their animated movies (Marvel not so much).

The Losers was the second best comic book movie. Seriously. It didn't do anything new for an action movie, but everything it did was great. The elements combined like Captain Planet only instead of fighting shitty eco terrorists he made a good movie.


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