Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shameless Whoring

So the last couple of months every post I've made has been whoring of my work. I think that's unfair to this blog. In fact I did a teaser for an upcoming movie last month that I've declined to post here cause I don't want to just throw my stuff up on here with no content. It's shameless whoring.

Alright, moving on. I got a few things I do want to post about. I saw some movies the past month I want to sorta review.

Piranha 3D

What a good time at the movies. It starts off with an AMAZING cameo by Richard Dreyfuss, and ends with Christopher Lloyd being cartoonishly overly dramatic. This film had tension, comedy, gore, nudity, and characters that I cared about at the end. James Cameron talked some crap about Piranha, but this movie needed to be in 3D more than Avatar. My favorite 3D part is either the dead Piranha's flying up towards the camera as Michael Clark Duncan hams it up, or the two naked chicks swimming underwater. Overall I think it was one of the best movies of the summer and far from the disappointment it could have been.


This is where I'm sorta gonna review The Expendables as well as Machete. The Expendables feels like Stallone didn't try. Replace the cast and get rid of a few explosions and you can watch this movie on straight-to-DVD...well, you don't have to replace Dolph Lundgren. Not enough action, plot, tension, or much of anything. Just kind of a nice payday for the lot of them. All the talk about cumming and getting pregnant was all hype.

Machete, on the other hand, delivers a movie I didn't expect. It had all the cool action and awesome shit that was shown in the trailers, but I thought the plot, acting, and characters were fantastic. Everything was developed nicely and you got good quiet scenes with all the characters to learn about their motivations and such. Expendables was just very generic and hollow. Machete is the action flick of the summer in my humble opinion.


A very good horror/thriller/mystery. Not a scene feels unnecessary, it's inventive enough, has a great pace at 80 minutes, and in the end the tension of this movie makes it feel twice as long. That's a very good thing when you're on the edge of your seat. I'm not saying it's mind-blowing, but it's good & worth the 9 dollar ticket. I'm anxiously awaiting the other Night Chronicles.


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