Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wackydeli's top 20 games

Top 20 games of all time, by WackyDeli

Kaboom sucks and sorry for having a busy and hectic life since I originally wanted to do this.

Also PC games SUCK.

20. Banjo Kazooie

This game was bought on a whim when it came out, and was a gem that has been part of my N64 collection since.

19. Blast Corps

Same as Banjo I had no idea what it was about, but it looked awesome. I have a lot of fun running around making explosions in this game.

18. Mario Paint

Even to this day, I still play this game every few weeks. Amazing game that introduced many of us to the joys of computer art. The fly swatting game is also extra rad.

17. NBA Hangtime

The first sports game to make the list. Hangtime was the first game I slaved over to unlock everything, and complete 100%. I can remember playing this game until 4 a.m. on occasion, and I was nine. What terrible parenting.

I still think thats Emmitt Smith on the cover.

16. Virtua Tennis

The game that made me drive to six different malls looking for it. Well I couldn't drive yet, and we were visiting relatives. Eventually we found this game, and I was excited I could stop spending 2 dollars everytime I went to the Arcade.